• Custody, fiscal and allocation metering systems

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     Sampling and Analysis

    For gas, including: Chromatography, density, Wobbe index, calorific value, dewpoint and sulphur analysis.

    For liquid, including: Fast loop or insertion automatic sampling, single or multiple atmospheric or pressurised sample receivers, density and viscosity measurement, water-cut analysis, RVP analysers and LPG chromatographs

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    Metering System

    Gas Metering System: Hydrogen and Ammonia, Helium, Natural Gas, Bio-gas, Methane, Butane, Propane and Ethane, Boil-off Gas, Flare Gas, Sales Gas and Feed Gas, and Carbon Dioxide metering Operating at cryogenic temperatures to -162°C


    Liquid Metering System: Crude, Heavy Oil, Condensate, Diesel, Kerosene, Jet A-1/JP-8, Fuel Oil, Liquid NGL, LPG, Naptha, Propylene, BTX (Benzene, Toulene, and Xylene), Sulphur and Asphalt (operating temperature of +260°C)